
Telefone: +55 (19) 3447-8503
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
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With an area of 500 square meters, this laboratory is designed to act directly in the development of systems for applying fitosanitary products. It also offers training and certification of personnel for the correct and safe use of pesticides.

Telefone: +55 (19) 3447-8520
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
Apoio de funcionário:

Using electronic instrumentation equipment, this laboratory provides services mainly in the development and implementation of electronic systems that are used in researchs carried out in the department.

Telefone: +55 (19) 3447-8545
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
Apoio de funcionário:

The objective of the hydraulics laboratory is learning. The classes of hydraulics courses are developed in this laboratory to impart knowledge to students on the functional characteristics of the various systems and their components. The researchs conducted by undergraduate and graduate students also receive support from this laboratory.

Telefone: +55 (19) 3447-8545
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
Apoio de funcionário:

The objective of the irrigation laboratory is learning. The classes are developed in this laboratory to impart knowledge to students on the functional characteristics of the various systems and their components. The researchs conducted by undergraduate and graduate students also receive support from this laboratory.

Telefone: +55 (19) 3447-8506
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
Apoio de funcionário:

This lab is directly connected to the Weather Station located in the Department of Biosystems Engineering of ESALQ/USP. Its services are related to the recovery of data collected in the meteorological station, calibration of instruments and sensors and reports.

Telefone: 55 (19) 3429-4165 / 3447-8575
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
Apoio de funcionário:

This laboratory was created in 2008 with the purposel of providing infrastructure and working environment for the activities and projects related to the theme of the spatial variability of crops and associated technologies within the focus of the disciplines of the Department of Biosystems Engineering.


Telefone: +55(19) 3447-8581 / 3447-8515
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
Apoio de funcionário:

The OAP is a support structure. It is dedicated to the production, construction and adaptation of appliances, devices, machinery and equipment for use in conducting research within the Department of Biosystems Engineering.

Telefone: +55 (19) 3447-8563
Fax: +55 (19) 34226675
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
Apoio de funcionário:

This laboratory operates in the ambience for the animal production and plant production, utilization of agro-industrial waste, water quality and environmental legislation. In the productive sector, assesses the thermal characteristics of facilities, production systems, materials being launched in the market in order to improve the well-being and thermal comfort in different environments.


Telefone: +55 (19) 3447-8503 / 3447-8560
Docente com atividade em conjunto:
Apoio de funcionário:

The laboratory performs analysis in the Soil Physics area, offering to undergraduate and graduate students entire infrastructure for the development of research, practical classes and lectures soil physics mainly to the areas of Irrigation and Drainage.

Telefone: +55 (19) 3447-8530
Docente com atividade em conjunto: Peterson Ricardo Fiorio
Apoio de funcionário: Áureo Santana de Oliveira, Beatriz Regina Duarte Novaes, Juarez Renó Amaral, Luiz Fernando Novello, Ricardo Vicente Michelotto

This lab uses Surveying techniques , remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems, Navigation Satellite (GNSS) and Digital Cartography techniques . This laboratory offers to undergraduate and graduate students entire infrastructure for the development of research, practical classes and lectures in the field of Surveying and GIS..